
School Photos - Resource Fair
It was an evening filled with fun, information and food at the Project MORE and Teenage Parent Program Resource Fair on September 24! Pima Community College, the Tucson Public Library, Pima County Health Department, Voter Registration, District 5, the Army and TPD (to name just a few) joined forces with TUSD student services to make this a meaningful event for families and students. Visitors discovered new career paths and valuable public resources.
An Army officer in fatigues gives a wave from the U.S. Army table at the fair
Four employees smile and wave from Supervisor Adelita Grijalva's table at the fair
A man smiles as he cooks hot dogs on the grill
A woman shakes hands with students from behind her table at the fair
Students check in at the tables by the Be Kind mural
School Photos - Graduation
School Photos - Celebrating the Solar Eclipse
Project MORE students had a special view of the eclipse as it happened on April 8. Emily Wall is a teacher at Project MORE and she invited her father Tom Wall to share his passion for astronomy and his telescope with their students.
Two teen boys look up at the eclipse with their special glasses
A teen girl smiles while looking at the eclipse through her special glasses
A group of students stand around outside waiting to look at the eclipse
A teen girl with curly red hair looks at the eclipse through her special glasses
A teen boy with curly hair looks up at the eclipse with his special glasses